Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Big Bearpen Again

If I enjoyed my walk around Town yesterday, I enjoyed even more climbing my old friend Big Bearpen this afternoon.  A good, strong pace will raise my heart-rate on the uphill climb to almost what it would be on a slow run, and it was nice to feel a little bit of effort in my legs.  I certainly wouldn't have noticed this beautiful iris had I been running:

The view is so glorious on top that it is always worth the climb, even on a hazy day.  Off to the south, you can see the lakes of South Carolina on a clear day:

And to the east, there is this remarkable view of Whiteside Mountain, its smooth rock race exposed from this unique angle:

I do ordinarily stop at these two view, even when I'm running, but today I had time to take a photo with my phone.  Beautiful green May afternoon, high puffy afternoon clouds, and a cool breeze - I was a supremely happy man!

And I did not see any bears, either.  Just this little critter on a mailbox along the way:

The report was good today from Dr. Secosan, but still no running until next weekend.  Meanwhile, I am enjoying walking up these mountains, seeing them in a bit more detail than I usually do.

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