Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How Did That Happen?

During stressful times, it goes without saying that our faith sustains us.  But hard runs and hard work, as noted in previous posts, also help relieve the stress.  Saturday I completed eight miles and Martha completed six miles.  We have been running in the mornings when we can, sometimes on alternate days, and then in the afternoons we have been spending time with Martha's Mom, who is now on oxygen most of the time and has caregivers assisting her.  Hospice has been wonderful; it takes a very special kind of person to give that kind of care.  Martha's sister Angie has been coming over after we leave and spending time with her in the evenings.

Meanwhile, the milestones of life come and go.  June 5 was a day to remember for us; our daughter Katy was born 34 years ago, and although we could not be with her in person we shared some wonderful memories.  "It's a weird one!" she said.  When I stopped by Highlands Pharmacy on Saturday to get some prescriptions for Martha's Mom, owner and pharmacist Sherry asked about her; she has a daughter the same age as Katy.  "She turned 34 yesterday," I said.  "How did that happen!?"  It is hard to remember that I once held her in my arms so easily.  Here she was, gazing in wonderment at her first Christmas Parade in Highlands when she was six months old.

Another birthday has slipped by, too.  Martha's aunt, Anne Sellers, turned 90 years old on Sunday.  90!  How did that happen? she must be asking herself.  She will not be coming to Highlands for the summer this year as she normally does in June, and we will miss her.  I saw her friends and neighbors Donna and Rich on Saturday while I was out running, and I told them that we always considered that summer did not arrive in Highlands until Anne arrived.  For the last five or six years we have celebrated her birthday with dinner out on our deck, sometimes with her friends from Savannah who drive her to Highlands.

So Happy Birthday Anne, and Happy Birthday Katy, if you are reading this post!  We think of you both all the time and hope to see you soon.

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